Read before booking!

Contemplate what you want to get out of our work together. What can I potentially help you with?

I can tell you what I want to get to by the end of this call: A clear heart-felt decision if we want to work together over the next few months or not.

So please, if you book a free call, consider if you are ready to commit to work with me over the next few months!

(If you just wanna have a free 1-1 consultation, please let me know beforhand by including it in the form below!)

As my rescources are limited I can only offer you a free call once! 

If you decide to start working with me after you already recieved a free 1-1 call, please contact me via

I am not gonna be able to offer these 1-1 calls forever, so consider yourself lucky to be able to book one when I am free! 

Talk to you soon!